
Mobile App Concept, UX & Design

This app is one of the few projects I'm really proud of not for design, but for the fact that it even exists.

Our agency was pitching Yogurtland, a very popular and very tasty frozen yogurt chain with a few hundred locations nationwide. As a patron of Yogurtland myself, I knew the key to their success came from current customers introducing new customers to the product so I wanted to pitch a loyalty program based on sharing photos instead of accruing points from purchases. Dedicated mobile apps were not yet commonplace at this point, so my proposal was shot down right away.

I spent the next week developing wireframes, concept art and consumer models to explain how and why giving away free yogurt to

 people who shared a photo was a good and profitable idea. Yogurtland is one of those foods that looks as good as it tastes and people already loved to share their concoctions on Instagram. I ended up winning over the agency, as well as the new business when I presented the app to them myself.

The app paid off. In 3 months after the app had launched, sales had increased by over 30% from the year before, during their slow time – the middle of winter.